Nikolayevich Ternovets

Russia • 1884−1941

Biography and information

He studied law. Moscow University (1903-08). In 1907-14 he studied and worked in private hood. schools in Moscow, Munich, Paris. He worked as a sculptor in the early years. owls authorities participated in the implementation of the monumental propaganda plan (the project of the monument "Emancipated Labor", 1920). In 1919-37, director of the Museum of New Western Art in Moscow. Tr. in the field of owls sculpture, foreign art of the twentieth century.

[21.10 (2.11) .1884, Romny, - 4.12.1941, Moscow]

He studied at the law faculty of Moscow University (1903–08) and Munich (1911–12), in 1907–14 he studied and worked in private art schools in Moscow, Munich and Paris (including E. A. Bourdelle). As a sculptor, he participated in the implementation of the Leninist plan of monumental propaganda (2nd Prize for the design of the monument “Emancipated Labor”, 1920). Director of the Museum of New Western Art (1919–37). The main works on Soviet sculpture and progressive art of the 20th century. in foreign countries they are distinguished by the acuteness of the analysis of the expressive means of art, convincingly reveal the connection of the artist’s work with the socio-historical environment.


Cit .: Fav. articles, [M., 1963] (lit.).

Lit .: Sternin G., Yavorskaya N., B. Ternovets, “Art”, 1966, No. 6.

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