(01.01.1891, Perm – 1981, Perm), teacher, painter. He studied at the Perm. men's gymnasium, at the same time he attended the drawing school A. S. shapin. In 1909-1918 he studied at the Penza art College, studied under I. S. Goryushkin-Sorokopudov. With Nov. on Dec. 1919 was in charge of Nar. the art school in Perm, which was formed the "Union of free artists"; he also taught at the Art school. Participated in the exhibition "White bear" (Moscow, 1916), in the exhibition, 1918 in Perm. He painted portraits and landscapes, doing household full-scale sketches. From 1921 to 1932, he taught drawing at school No. 11 and at the same time in Sept. In 1921 he opened a private Studio of fine arts, renamed the art-industrial school of Turan, one of the first private studios and schools in the Urals (closed in 1932). School of Turan for 10 years gave me the tools of fine arts to several dozen children. He worked at the school for free. In the 1960s, has transferred "property" of their school – gypsum ornaments, casts of antique statues, easels – a newly opened children's art school. In his school the future of Perm. architect D. Y. Rudnik. In 1931-1941. I. I. Turan worked as an artist-Methodist Perm. teachers College. In 1942-1958 he taught fine art in Perm. the pedagogical Institute. Being retired, for many years was preparing a solo exhibition of his works, which never took place. The artistic legacy of I. I. Turan, consisting of more than 100 graphic works and paintings (early still lifes, scenes from Russian life educational productions Goryushkin-Sorokopudov, landscapes Perm and its environs of Kama river with steamboats, piers, etc.), as well as a number of works Perm. artists of the 1910s P. S. Evstafieva, I. P. Chirkov transferred to L. I. and K. I. Turansky in Perm. state art gallery.
Ist. : GAPO, f. R-1647, op. 1, D. 1-22; R-23, op. 1, d. 235, ll. 2-21.
Lit.: Egorova, E. I. School Of The Turan / E. I. Egorova, N. V. Kazarinova; Fig. E. Kuznetsov // Vech. Perm. 1981. 7 Aug. (No. 181). 3 p.: fot.;
[Turan I.] // Kazarinova, N. V. Artists Perm. Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1987. S. 19, 25, 26.
(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", N. V. Kazarinova)