Pavlovich Bakhirev

Russia • 1898−1973

Biography and information

He was born on 12 (24) January 1898 in the village of Sergino vyaznikovskogo district of Vladimir province. Member of the Union of artists of Russian Federation since 1939. Hereditary icon painter. Two years studied at the educational workshops of the Committee of guardianship of Russian iconography, then in the workshop of V. E. Belousova from his father, P. I., Bakhirev, then in the Studio M. P. Parilov the master N. M.Parilova. 1928 - student of the Artel of ancient painting. A member of the Cooperative since 1933. Died 10 Feb 1973, buried in Palekh.

Copied the works of D. N. Butorin, I. M. Bakanova. The theme of the work: history, literature, modern, genre scenes, hunting, battle. Participated in exhibitions since 1935.

The work of S. P. Bakhirev are stored in museums: gmpi, TG, OC Ivanovo, Museum of fine and applied arts (Smolensk), Nizhny Tagil Museum of fine arts, NGKHM.

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