Ivanovna Pedashenko-Tretyakova

Russia • born in 1867

Biography and information

A student of the Arts Academy from 1887 till 1896, Received medals in 1891 - 2 silver; in 1893, - 2 and 1 silver. In 1892 he graduated from the scientific course; in 1896 - the title of the artist for the painting "the First lark". (Kondakov)

Was born in Irkutsk. The daughter of the Governor of Irkutsk and Yenisei provinces I. Pedchenko. Was married to the artist Alexander Tretyakov, who belonged to a family prominent collectors and patrons. From 1887 to 1896 he studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of arts. Received silver medals (1891, 1893). He was awarded the title of the artist (1896). Participated in Spring exhibitions in the halls of Academy. In 1899 he organized a major art exhibition in Tomsk on the basis of collections of local collectors and artists. Exhibited in this exhibition of 13 paintings and several sketches. In 1901 – 1910 collaborated with various publications. A member and Exhibitor Of the island Siberian traveling art exhibitions (1903) and AHRR (1926). Author of landscapes and genre works devoted to the Siberian theme. His works are in museums and private collections in Russia.

  • Artistic associations
  • Learning