Born in Irkutsk. From 1971 to 1975 he studied at the Irkutsk College of Arts in the decorative department with M.D. Voronko and G.E. Novikova. Since 1984, collaborates with the East Siberian Book Publishing House. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR since 1987
Participation in exhibitions:
regional - since 1978;
zonal - 1985;
Republican (Moscow) - 1985, 1989;
All-Union (Moscow) - 1986;
foreign (GDR, Karl-Marx-Stadt) - 1987; (Canada, Toronto) - 1988; (GDR) - 1989; (Bulgaria) - 1990; (Finland, Turku) - 1990
Laureate of the conference "Youth, creativity, modernity" (Irkutsk, 1978, 1983).
Kunstman S. Art knows no bounds. East Siberian truth. 1990.26 July.
Sanzhieva E. To whom the raindrops are smiling. Soviet youth. 1996.6 June.