
Biography and information

Born in Warsaw Januarius Sukhodolsky was known as a painter and painter who achieved great success in horses, which was a sign of excellence, for imprinting on the canvas of such a graceful animal, especially in his dynamic running, was difficult. Talent Ya sukhodolskiy was seen and noted in 1839, when by Imperial order (the level of manifested a great interest in the visual arts of Emperor Nicholas I) to the artist for the painting "the Storming of the fortress Akhaltsykh 15 Aug 1828" was awarded the title of academician batalicheskih painting.

In the future I. Sukhodolsky did not change the selected direction. He painted scenes of military battles and their witness, and like historian. On the academic exhibition in 1869 was shown a painting of the Amazon, in 1872, the painter, exhibited a picture with a very long, but clarifying what is happening with title: "Moving mountains Soganlug and taking linear Cossacks and the Muslim troops of the redoubt defending the entrance to the ravine, the plot of war of 1828".