Afanasievich Egorov

Russia • 1931−1974

Biography and information

He graduated from the Moscow state hood. in-t im. V. I. Surikov. Lived in Yakutsk, Chita. Worked in marble, granite, wood, concrete, terracotta. Participant of exhibitions: resp. hood. YASSR, will represent. arts and Nar. creativity of the Yakut ASSR (Moscow, 1957), depicted. the art of the Yakut ASSR (Moscow, 1963), region. "Soviet far East" (Vladivostok, 1967, 1974; Ulan-Ude, 1969), resp. decor.-butt. art (Leningrad, 1963), prod. artists of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East (Moscow, 1971-1972), "Soviet Russia" (1965, 1970), proceedings of all-Union. (Moscow, 1970). Personal exhibitions.

E. work – in NAT. hood. the Museum REP. Of Sakha (Yakutia).

(Source: encyclopedia)

Yakut first professional sculptor. In 1955 he graduated from the Yakut art College. P. p. Romanov, where his master was Elena, Posada. He continued his education in Moscow art Institute named. V. I. Surikov, studying with such well-known artists as Matthew Manizer and Dmitry Shvarts. Already in his student years, his work has recessionals Soviet critics. About it wrote in Newspapers and magazines. In 1962, he wrote a portrait of the famous Yakut Carver Vasily Popov, who in 1963 received the big public resonance to all-Russia exhibition of artists. Semen Afanasievich have lived a hard life. Arrived in Yakutsk, he came upon a wall of misunderstanding, it was not his Studio, their homes - was forced to go with the family to Chita. In Chita he has worked in the field of monumental sculpture, they installed monuments in different parts of the Chita region heroes of the civil war and great Patriotic war heroes. But the sculptor had always hoped to return to his native Yakutia. In 1972, he returned, but to work in full force, as seriously ill. The last two years of his life semen Egorov created graphic works and a little sculpted from plaster. In 2006, Nina Yakovlev donated to the Yakut National Art Museum saved by her graphic work brother."