Pavlovich Rabotyagov

Russia • born in 1924

Painter, graphic artist. B. 30 Aug 1924 in S. Shishino Belgorod region, the Invalid of the great Patriotic war. Graduated from KhSAI (1947-53), where he studied with A. Coquelles, S. Besedin. A member HO CFS from 1971. Participant of exhibitions since 1952, Republican since 1965. Personal exhibitions: town of Chuguev (Kharkiv region) - 1984, 1985; Lozova (Kharkiv region) - 1984, 1985; Kharkov - 1985, 1997; the village of Parkhomivka (Kharkiv region) — 1997. Worked as the Director of the Kharkov art Museum (1960-87). Author of magazine and newspaper articles on creativity in pre-revolutionary and contemporary artists of Kharkov, guides, booklets and album "Kharkiv art Museum".

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