Zakharievich Boroday

Ukraine • 1917−2010

Nar. hood. Of the USSR (1977), full member AH the USSR (1973). Member of the CPSU(b) since 1945. A participant of the war. He graduated from the Kiev art. in-t (1953), and later taught there, from 1966, the rector of the Institute. 1968 pred. Board CX Ukr.SSR. The author of the monument of M. Shchors in Kiev (1949, with M. Lysenko and M. Minkov Sukhodolova), sculptures "Youth" (1951), "my Land!" (1957), "Bandura player" (1960) and other works. One of the authors of the memorial complex "Museum of the great Patriotic war" in Kiev (1981). The Winner Of The Len. St. (1984).

Born 5 Aug 1917 in Dnepropetrovsk. Member of the Academy of arts of Ukraine and Academy of arts of the USSR, people's artist of Ukraine, people's artist of USSR, member of the National Union of artists of Ukraine, laureate of the Lenin prize. A veteran of the great Patriotic war.In 1953 he graduated from the Kiev art Institute (workshop of M. Lysenko).

In 1953-1965 RR - on creative work, 1966-1973 - Chairman of the Board of the Union of artists of Ukraine. Working in the industry of monumental and easel sculpture. Thematic creativity: the wrongs of history, portraits of prominent contemporaries, memorial ensembles, monument"monuments. Monumental works stand out of a wide scale and constructive clarity, easel composition, the generality and expressiveness of plastic forms.

Works: easel painting songs - "Unst" (1951), "Ivan Bohun" (1953), "get out of the Komsomol" (1955-1957), the series "Egypt" (1961-1964), "Pam"at tovarisha" (1974), "And to have cheque" (1985); portraits of P. Pancha (1960), L. Revutsky (1961), V. Kasiyan (1973), Jablonski (1974), a monumental sculpture - pam"ethnic M. Shchors (m. Kiev, 1953-1954, co-author), pam"atni sign to the founders of Kiev (1982), a monument"the monuments to partisans, kovpakivsky in m. Yaremche (1967), Shevchenkove in the United States (Arrow Park near new York, 1970) and Poland (White Bor, 1986); P. Kalnishevskomu in Pustoviitove (Sumy region, 1992, co-author). One of the authors of the memorial complex "the National Museum of the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945 PP.", in particular the song "Mother-Motherland" (1981, co-author).

The National Academy of fine art and architecture since 1966 and since 1971 Professor.In 1966-1973 he was rector of the Kiev state art Institute. Prepares sculptors of the highest qualification in the workshops, asistentul-starovinna.

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