Kingdom Of Flora

Nicolas Poussin • Painting, 1631, 181×131 cm
About the artwork
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Mythological scene
Style of art: Classicism
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 1631
Size: 181×131 cm
Artwork in collection: The Dresden gallery Irina Olikh
Artwork in selections: 19 selections

Description of the artwork «Kingdom Of Flora»

Picture By Nicolas Poussin's "Realm Of Flora" one of the most famous works of the artist, written in 1631. At the moment it is in the Dresden gallery. The plot as many other works by Poussin, inspired by ancient myths and works of Ovid — "Metamorphoses", devoted mainly to Greek mythology, as well as "Fastame", which is the original Roman calendar the holidays.

In his film "Kingdom of Flora" talented painter Nicolas Poussin combined the ancient tales of Greece and Rome, because the characters are taken from both. In addition, a work which bears another name, translated as sounding like "turning colors", has an explicit reference to the almost poem by the Roman poet.

Every part of the paintings is a separate story, usually tragic. This attracts a picture of it assembled, like a mosaic, from the myths without knowing the content of which is impossible to get an idea about the idea of work as a whole.

Picture by Nicolas Poussin's "Realm of Flora": description

First and foremost, it is necessary to clarify: who is the Central figure of the masterpiece of the famous painter. Who is flora? According to the myths, the ancient Roman goddess of flowers and spring fruits. In Ancient Greece it corresponds to the goddess Chloris, or Chloride. There is an opinion that in fact the cult of Flora was circulated by the Senate as the prototype of the goddess was a rich courtesan, about indecency which it was to forget.

Anyway, myths about Flora and her Kingdom were attracted by its plot of many artists: painting by Nicolas Poussin displays these legends is the most interesting and non-trivial.

In the right part of the canvas is located the Adonis, who was killed in hunting, which was the beloved of the goddess Aphrodite, as well as the Hyacinth, the friend of Apollo, who was killed accidentally during sports games. From the blood of young men rose flowers — anemones and hyacinths, joined the garden of the goddess. Below young men in the painting by Nicolas Poussin's "Realm of Flora" we see Crocus and his favorite Smilko, the nymph, transformed by the gods in tis. The Crocus has turned into the saffron flower. Legends associated with Crocus, there are several: here are the opinions of historians differ, however, on the canvas of Poussin depicted, apparently, this sad scene.

In the foreground the nymph Echo. According to the myth, she is the one, whose love for a selfish narcissist who brought him into the garden of Flora. Narcissus, admiring himself in the reflection of the water surface, eventually died on the Creek Bank. Echo using the amphora, which is depicted in her hands in the painting of Nicolas Poussin's "Realm of Flora", took the Narcissus flower to the goddess.

The woman, staring at the sky, which is located behind Echo and Narcissus — Clytie. Another tragic love story, which is also no final clarity. The clytie was in love with the sun God Helios (according to other sources — in Apollo), but without reciprocity. Legends about her vary, but the outcome is the same in every story: in the end, she turned into the heliotrope flower which always turns to follow the sun.

The last character in the picture — Ajax, as Ajax, a member of the siege of Troy. Hero, second only to his cousin Achilles, after his death, claimed the weapons and armor of the deceased. However, they were awarded to Odysseus. Ajax became crazy and killed herself with a sword: where a drop of blood fell to the ground, grew the flower called delphinium.

In spite of the tragic fate of the characters in the picture, you can not say that painting by Poussin gloomy: on the contrary, it emits light and indicates the triumph of life. There is no death — everything that happens with living beings, nothing more than a metamorphosis, a modification and rebirth in a new quality. Obsession of the composition also indicates the idea of the eternal cycle, of infinity of existence of all living things.