Mikhailovna Silence

Russia • born in 1984

Biography and information

In 2008 he graduated from the Stavropol state Pedagogical Institute.

Since 2006 – member of International Art Fund.

Since 2009 – member of the creative Union "the City of masters", Zheleznovodsk.

2004-participant of city, Republican, regional artistic exhibitions in the city of Tyrnyauz and Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria, Stavropol, Zheleznovodsk. Over the years, has held six solo exhibitions.

Now continues to participate in exhibitions organized by the Stavropol regional organization of the Union of Artists of Russia.

In his work preference for landscape painting, the image of the heroes of the Nart epos, household scenes devoted to the customs of the peoples of the North Caucasus.

  • Learning