Tazeevich Gadayev

Russia • born in 1938

Biography and information

B. 1938, s Surkh-Digora, North Ossetian ASSR – 2008, Moscow.

Member of the Union of artists of Russia.

Worked in easel and monumental sculpture and small sculptures.

1956-1960 studied at the graphic art faculty of the North Ossetian

pedagogical schools.

1960-1966 at the Moscow state art Institute

them. V. I. Surikov, faculty of sculpture (professors M. G. Manizer,

D. D. Zhilinsky).

C 1967 participation in exhibitions.

1968 began work at the Moscow experimental sculptural works.

1978 prize of the International exhibition of small plastic arts in Budapest (Hungary).

The author of sculptures and monuments installed

in Yerevan (Armenia, 1978), Vladikavkaz (North Ossetia, 1984, 1986),

Seoul (South Korea, 1988), Moscow (1999), Voronezh (2008).

Solo exhibitions

1977, 1985 Vladikavkaz (North Ossetia);

1988 Galleria Marconi, Milan (Italy);

1993 (together with N. Nesterova) Munich (Germany);

1998 gallery Martin (Switzerland);

1989,1993, 1995, 2006;

2006 Lipetsk;

2008 State Tretyakov gallery.

Works are in State Tretyakov gallery, State Russian Museum,

State Museum of arts of peoples of the East, the State Museum of arts

Of Uzbekistan, State Museum of Altai Krai(Barnaul), Theodosia

art gallery them. I. K. Aivazovsky, the Museum sulemenova art (Moscow),

The Union of artists of Russia, the Museum P. Ludwig (Germany), St. Sophia Museum

fine arts (Bulgaria)as well as in museums in Russia and the middle

abroad and in private collections in Russia and abroad.

  • Learning
  • Teacher