Even before the Higher state theater workshops A. Fomin and P. Pashkov taught in Strict Novi school. Pavel Pavlovich received a bronze medal "for works on art education" at the Paris world exhibition in 1900, In 1930, p. P. Pashkov became a Professor at the faculty of Textile design of the Institute, and in 1938 he was Dean of the faculty of composition. Pashkov p. P. taught history of ornament and costume. In his auto-biography he writes: "the joyful and exciting is for artist and teacher of consciousness, and his participation in the famous artists F. F. Fedorovsky, V. E. Egorov, S. V. Gerasimov....". Among the disciples of Paul Pavlovich was: artists film Olga Kruchinina, Kanevskaya Gunn, Lydia Novi and Valentina Khodasevich, Lydia Mayakovskaya. Actively participating in a living learning process, and A. A. Fomin and p. P. Pashkov thought it necessary to strengthen and develop the relationship of the library with creative educational institutions. So in the existing system of relations libraries and theatres are an essential part of the process of working with students – future actors, Directors, artists. Quite often, classes with students Pashkov spent in the library, where he taught his students to love and understand a book, engraving, photo-graph, and identify the information that would awaken the imagination of the artist. Pavel Pavlovich has taught the young employees of the library that library work is primarily working with people on the basis of individual approach to them. When servicing any reader, from student to veteran artist needs to be not only an attentive listener, but also to be creative.
(From the article by E. G. Planovoi "art Students in "his" library")