Spiridonovich Rahillo

Russia • 1904−1979

Participated in the civil. war. He graduated from the VHUTEIN (1929) and military aviation. Uch-school. Published since 1922. In the 1920s a member of the group writers of the Komsomol "Young guard", head. lit. otd. gas. "Young Leninist." In the 1930s a military pilot. During the war correspondent. All. radio. Stories about CET. the war "the Happy city" (1933), "the Dreamers" (1962), the novel "Pilots" (1936), essays on aviation "Love and the sky" (1964), etc. manuf. Humoristic. stories (sa-Ki "Flowers of life", 1926; "Toastmaster", 1959). KN. memories of "Moscow. meeting" (1961).

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