Herluf Bidstrup (dated. Herluf Bidstrup; September 10, 1912, Berlin - December 26, 1988, Alleroed, Denmark) - Danish caricaturist and public figure. Author of over 5 thousand drawings.
“Like all children's drawings, my houses, people, trees, horses involuntarily caused smiles. I remember how I was offended by my uncle, who laughed while looking at my creations, and I had probably worked no less diligently at them than the venerable artist at creating the image of the holy Madonna! ... I was then about five years old, and for a long time I reflected on why my drawings are perceived by others not at all in the way I would like ... Gradually, I began to understand what exactly made a comical impression, and often, quite consciously, painted it so that cause laughter from viewers. Soon, I was satisfied that laughter was my ally. ”
Most of all, the work of this brilliant draftsman became famous in his time in the open spaces of the USSR: the authorities' fiery faith in the ideals of socialism and communism of the artist — the anti-fascist. He was always received with enthusiasm and honor, arranged for exhibitions in the largest museums of the country, and Bidstrup in return willingly presented his drawings. Those then "distributed" to the museums, and, for example, the Odessa Museum becameowner of a solid collection graphics wizard.
Bidsturp's books were published in millions of copies, his drawings were printed in Crocodile, and even English textbooks were illustrated with comics - caricatures. Bidstrup's name became a household name - in a good way, - and many of us, as a child, looked at the holes with “funny pictures” from the parental closet.
We read in the "Monday begins on Saturday" of the Strugatskys: "... He painted excellently, in the style of Bidstrup, and was famous among the local brownies for prudence and sober behavior."