Brassai (FR. Brassaï, in fact Gyula halász, Hun. Gyula Halász on 9 September 1899, Brassó, South-East Transylvania, Austria-Hungary — July 8, 1984, Eze, Dept.Alpes-Maritimes, France) Hungarian — French photographer, painter and sculptor.
Father was Hungarian, a Professor of literature, Armenian mother, brassaï himself often called himself a Jew. Participated in the First world war, then studied at the Budapest Academy of fine arts (1918-1919) and Academic high school in Berlin (1921-1922). In 1924 he settled in Paris, in the Montparnasse quarter, he took the alias name of his native city ("Brassaï" literally means "from Brassó").
Met Henry Miller, Jacques Prevert, Leon-Paul Fargues. Taught French language books on Proust.