David Keith Lynch (eng. David Keith Lynchborn. January 20, 1946) is an American filmmaker, musician, writer, artist, photographer. Is representative of American independent cinema. Winner of the "Palme d'or" (1990) and best Director award (2001) at the Cannes film festival and the Golden lion for contribution to world cinema (2006). Officer of the Legion of honor (2007).
Early years:David Keith Lynch born January 20 1946 in the small American town of Missoula, Montana. Grew up in forest edges in the North-West of the USA.
In 1965, Lynch attended the Pennsylvania Academy of the arts in Philadelphia, where he was engaged in painting, sculpture and photography. Admiration for the expressionist Kokoschka for a short time brought the young artist to Austria, where he lived his idol. Among his favorite artists Lynch calls as Francis bacon and Edward hopper.
In a course on experimental art in 1966, Lynch became fascinated with animation and realized his first short animated film "Six men throwing up" as the final work. In 1967, Lynch bought the camera and directed his first short film "the Alphabet", which combined animation and footage. The film is based on a nightmarish dream, a niece of the wife of the Director of the Peggy. Peggy played the role in the movie girls.
At the same time, Lynch worked on the script of the film "Grandma." Providing a finished script, and his other writings, he takes part in the competition for a scholarship from the American film Institute (American Film Institute). To my big surprise, Lynch received a scholarship. The 35-minute film, "Grandma" has a rather finely-crafted line of narration and insightful content.
In 1971, Lynch began work on his feature debut "eraserhead". Due to financial problems of the shooting have been suspended, and only five years later in 1976, the film was completed. In this work, Lynch for the first time demonstrates talent for creating intricate, surreal and impressive gloom of the picture. The film is not so much a narrative in the usual sense of the word, as the journey inside someone's consciousness. If you think about it, the characters and premise in this film represent not the real heroes and the real space, and some of the metaphors and categories that can flow into each other or be destroyed, as that characteristic of images and categories of human consciousness. This approach to space, heroes and history will lay the Foundation for further creativity Lynch. Despite the fact that the film at the Studio was very skeptical, he in a short time became a cult. Himself, Stanley Kubrick expressed regret that he had not removed the tape.
Painting and photography: David Lynch lives in California in the house of modern architecture, designed by the son of F. L. Wright. In his free time engaged in painting and photography. One of my favorite photographers — Diane Arbus, Joel-Peter Witkin and William Eggleston and David Lynch loves fashion photography Clachan Anna. One of the photos of Lynch were selected in 2008 as Billboard 61-th Cannes film festival. He is the author of the images, "the Fetish show", where the model is embodied in the Shoe designer Christian Louboutin. "The fetish show" exhibited, in particular, in the Moscow center of contemporary culture "Garage" (2009).
David Lynch more than 500 works. And he's not going to stop sharing my passion for painting with another passion — music.
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