
Russia • Kemerovo • born in 1962 • artist

Surnina Elvira, born 1962, in Kemerovo.
The graduate of the Kemerovo art school (1979-84гг).
In 1994. he graduated from the MGTA im. A. N. Kosygin (faculty of applied arts)
Participant of regional, all-Russian and international exhibitions.
The work of Elvira Suminoe are in private collections in Russia and abroad.

The main theme of creativity of Elvira – fantasy variations on a theme of the culture of the ancient peoples of Siberia, the arts, expressed primarily through the unity of spiritual content, when thought is expressed through emotion, and a sense carries the idea. For the artist the inspiration is the dream, the soul fire and mystical mood. Romantic attitude in her work can be seen in the commitment to bright, plastically completed images, with the brightness and brilliance.
Work Suminoe Elvira tuned to contemplation, they are filled with emotion, they felt the power and creative energy. Going over the knowledge in the works of Elvira, connect with their own inner subconscious of the author, directing energy to solving creative tasks.
In the work presented the components of the personal world of the artist, bearing the emotional and rational, sensuous and intelligent. However, the emotion in her art has a distinctive quality, it is not privatemi element of the image, and the main part of its content.
Creatively transforming the beauty of the real world, highlighting and emphasizing the features of the beautiful in the depicted phenomena, the author increases their impact on the viewer, arouses in him the need to perceive, to understand and enjoy this beauty. This allowed the artist to convey the special "thrill of life", to achieve full contact with the depicted object.

Tatiana Ryseva
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