
Russia • Saint Petersburg • born in 1991 • artist
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Abdullin Roman Faritovich was born October 25, 1991 in the city of Yekaterinburg.

• In 2007. arrived in Yekaterinburg Art school. I. D. Shadr in the Department of "Design prom. graphics."
• In 2011. graduated from Yekaterinburg Art College named. I. D. Shadr the Department of "Design prom. graphics. The diploma was marked by praise of the State attestation Commission).
• In 2011- Student of the State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I. E. Repin in Saint - Petersburg (Department of painting).
• In 2013. student workshop of monumental painting, people's artist of the USSR A. A. Mylnikov, (now under the arms. people's artist, Professor A. K. Bystrov).
• In 2017. he graduated from the Academy of fine Arts im. I. E. Repin. Thesis titled "Victory. 1945" and "the Siege of Leningrad" was awarded the praise of State attestation Commission.

Works are in State museums of Russia, private collections and abroad (Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Italy, Bulgaria, USA, Canada, Mongolia, China.)


Party and lauriat exhibitions:
• In 2003. - "100 years of motor flight" (Switzerland)
• In 2003. - "National traditions" (Japan) – diploma, work included in exhibition catalogue ;
· In 2005. - City exhibition of decorative and applied arts "rainbow of talents" in the framework of the festival "City of friends" (Ekaterinburg) - diploma of the 1st place in the category "Natural materials" in the middle age group;
• In 2006. - The regional festival of creativity "Open to the world", exhibition-competition of visual art "the Golden brush" (Yekaterinburg, Leninsky district) - the Diploma of 2 degrees ;
• In 2006. Festival "Japanese fantasy", exhibition-contest of author's dolls (a joint project of the Museum "Literary life of the Urals XIX century" and the Ural Association of doll artists (Ekaterinburg) - diploma of the participant;
• In 2006. Festival "Russian season", exhibition-contest of author's dolls (a joint project of the Museum "Literary life of the Urals XIX century" and the Ural Association of doll artists (Ekaterinburg) - Special prize of the Museum "Literary life of the Urals XIX century" in the nomination "the Heroes of Russian fairy tales" (Doll Noodle").
• In 2007. Party Receiving the Head of administration of Oktyabrsky district of the talented youth;
• In 2007. - Exhibition-contest of art doll "Bravo!"a joint project of the Library. Herzen, Department of DPI Rgppu, Club dolls (Ekaterinburg), School of Puppet Design (Moscow) "Debut. New names" (Moscow) - diploma of the winner (Doll Samurai);
• In June 2007. - personal exhibition was held in the mode of exhibition of dolls in the foyer of theatre of Dolls (Ekaterinburg).
• In 2007. - awarded with diploma for participation in the exhibition of artistic dolls and Teddy bears, doll gallery "vakhtanov" (Moscow).
• In 2009. - Participation in the III festival arts "January evenings", Dedication, and Turner: image and sound. (Yekaterinburg, Orenburg, Moscow), "William Turner. Self-Portrait", "San Giorgio Maggiore. Early morning" work was catalogued.
• In 2012. - Exhibition "First impression" summer work of students of the first course of the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin (the Pushkin mountains.)
• 2013.- The exhibition “the impression of the Crimea“ summer work second year students of the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin (Crimea, Alupka)
• In 2013. - Participant of the exhibition “Youth of St. Petersburg.Beginning.”(fall) in the VZ of the Union of Artists of Saint-Petersburg.
• In 2014. -Laureate of the exhibition “Youth of St. Petersburg.Beginning.”(spring) in the old Testament of the Union of Artists of Saint-Petersburg.
• In 2014. - participant of the exhibition "Victory Day" in V. Z. of the Union of Artists of Saint-Petersburg.
• In 2014. - Winner at the I International Art plein air young Solonikov dedicated to the national poet of Belarus Yakub Kolas.
• In 2014. - participant of the exhibition "Autumn-2014" in V. Z. of the Union of Artists of Saint-Petersburg.
• In 2014. - Participant of the exhibition “Youth of St. Petersburg. Beginning.” (fall) in the VZ of the Union of Artists of Saint-Petersburg.
• In 2015. - Participant of the exhibition "faces of Victory". (Art Muse)-Pb.
• In 2015. -participant of all-Russian exhibition-competition "the Muse needs to work" (Art Muse) SPb.
• In 2016. - Participant of the exhibition of summer practice works by students of the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin(the Titian hall).
• In 2016. – Exhibition "School of realistic drawing." Exhibition of drawings by teachers and students of the Studio of monumental painting of Professor A. K. Bystrov. Institute. I. E. Repin. Art Museum, Pingshan, Shenzhen, China.
• In 2016 –laureate of the exhibition "XI international Cyril and Methodius creative contest dedicated to the Day of Slavic writing and culture."Was awarded the diploma of I degree for graphic work "Beauty, city of Peter, and stand unshakable as Russia...". SP-b
• In 2017. - Participant of the exhibition of summer practice works by students of the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin.
• In 2017. - Participant of the exhibition of the award Igor Minakov "Happiness". Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin.
• In 2017. - Participant of the exhibition "exhibition of the best diplomas of Academy of fine Arts". Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin.
•2016-2017 were invited on the trip in Shenzhen, China. (Works are in the Art Museum Pingshan)
• In 2017. – Participant of all-Russian exhibition "Artists of Russia –for clean water" the Museum of N. Ostrovsky in Sochi.
• In 2017. – Personal exhibition "the Exhibition of one painting "Victory. 1945". Sverdlovsk regional Museum of local history, Ekaterinburg.
• In 2017. – Participant of the exhibition "115: Tradition of excellence", dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the Sverdlovsk art College named. I. D. Shadr. Gallery of modern art, Ekaterinburg.
• In 2018. - "Artists of the besieged Leningrad" in V. Z. of the Union of Artists of Saint-Petersburg.
• In 2018. - Personal exhibition "the Exhibition of one painting "the Siege of Leningrad". State Memorial Museum of Defense and Blockade of Leningrad, St. Petersburg.
• 2018. – The diploma of 1 degree for the monumental composition "Victory. 1945" in the International contest "the Symbol of peace in the 21st century" nominated for "Story songs" Tomsk.
• 2018. – The winner of 12 of the exhibition "Youth of St. Petersburg" in the old Testament of the Union of Artists of St. Petersburg. Awarded for the monumental composition "the battle of Stalingrad. February 2, 1943"
• 2018. – Participant of the exhibition "Victory Day" in V. Z. of the Union of Artists of Saint-Petersburg. The exhibition presents three monumental compositions: "the Siege of Leningrad", "Win. 1945", "Stalingrad. February 2, 1943"
• In 2018. monumental composition "Victory. 1945" becomes part of the permanent exhibition of the Saint-Petersburg Military-historical Museum of artillery, engineer and signal corps.
• In 2018. the decision of the Presidium of the Committee of the memory of Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov from 15 February 2018 was awarded the medal "100 years of the red army" the Minister of defense of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union Dmitry Yazov.
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