
Russia • Chaykovskiy • born in 1952
Ordering an artwork

Biography and information

Lemons Alexey Ivanovich was born on 11 December 1952.
In 1975 he graduated from art-graphic faculty of the Udmurt state University in Izhevsk. Lecturer Grigory Stepanyants Gaikovich.
Developed the Concept and program of teaching at children's art school.
In 2006 he became a member of the Union of artists of Russia.
Is a permanent participant of art exhibitions of different levels: city, regional and zonal. In 2002, 2007 and 2012 solo shows.
A great place in his creativity is landscape. And it's not just admiration for the variety and diversity of nature, but also a sublimation of the personality of the artist, his feelings, moods, thoughts.
Many years in the works and are constantly in search of.

  • Artworks liked by
    1 user
  • Styles of art
  • Techniques
    Watercolor, Oil, Pastel, Pencil
  • Art forms
    Painting, Graphics
  • Subjects
    Still life, Landscape, Portrait, Nude, Urban landscape
  • Artistic associations
  • Learning