Kurbonovich Bozorov

Uzbekistan • Toshkent Shahri • born in 1986 • artist, collector
Ordering an artwork

Biography and information

Bozarov Furkat Kurbonovich
He was born in 1986 in the town of Nurote, Navoi region.
1993-1998. - School number 22 named. A.Navoi
1998-2004. - Lyceum-boarding school of fine and applied art, faculty of fine arts
2006-2010. - National Institute of Arts and Design im.K.Behzod, Faculty of Fine Arts, Bachelor's Degree
2012-2014. - National Institute of Arts and Design im.K.Behzod, Faculty of Fine Arts and Motion Picture Film, Master's Degree.
2014 - Teacher at the National Institute of Arts and Design. K. Behzod

Participation and achievements:

2001 - "Egypt through the eyes of children", winner of the gold medal, Egypt, Cairo
2003 - "New Names", 1 st place, Russia, Suzdal
2008 - "Kelajak ovozi", winner of the nomination of fine and applied art
2009 - "Ab ovo" exhibition project
2010 - "Week of Fine Arts", winner
2010 - "Barkamol avlod - yurt kelazhagi", the winner
2010 - "Navkiron Uzbekiston", the winner
2011 - the main artist of the feature film A.Shodiyeva "Omadli Jurish"
2013 - the main artist of the feature film Ilhom Ibragimov "Sadokat"
2014 - Member of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan
2014 - artist of the feature film Nozim Tulahuzhaev "Zarb"
2014 - Yurtimiz Yoshlari, exhibition
2014 - SENOFEST 2014, an exhibition of artists of theater and cinema
2015 - the main artist of the feature film Umida Khamdamova "Shunkorlar"
2015 - "Eng Ulug, Eng Aziz", winner of the nomination of fine arts
2016 - "Draw a song", laureate of the exhibition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Batyr Zakirov
2017 - "Week of Fine Arts"

He also participated in international exhibitions in Czechoslovakia, Japan, India and many other countries and was awarded diplomas and certificates.
From 2014 to the present, a teacher at the National Institute of Arts and Design. Kamoliddin Behzod in Tashkent, at the Department of Theater and Decorative Painting.