
France • 1841−1927

Biography and information

And then he won the lottery a hundred thousand! With such a line could start page fascinating biographies of those who wanted to do both, to achieve the fifth and tenth. But most often these biographies remain unfinished, but their potential heroes are not characters of the series "Life of remarkable people". However, there are exceptions. For example, the French impressionist painter Armand Gilomen (FR. Jean-Baptiste Armand Guillaumin, 16 Feb 1841 — 26 Jun 1927) just won the lottery a hundred thousand francs.

Hyomin spent his childhood in Moulins. Coming from a family of workers, he obviously couldn't please the parents decision "will me an artist." After school was sent to Paris, and not in the Academy of fine arts. His uncle owned a linen store and took his nephew by the cashier. In parallel, Arman continued his pictorial experiments, attended art courses and very annoyed with this family. The young man decided to find work outside of family ties, and found her enlisted in the reign of the Orleans railway company. And at the same time began to attend a private Academy Suisse. Institutions of this kind in those years in Paris were many of the official Academy, they had nothing. Under this guise was just a few workshops in which the artists for a small fee, could come and write a life. It was there that Hyomin met Pissarro, Cezanne, Courbetand Olleros.

Debuted the artist Salon of the rejected. In 1863, Napoleon III issued the famous decree about alternative exhibitions for paintings rejected by the official Salon. Hyomin exhibited in great company, along with Edouard Manet (which, by the way, wrote portrait of Gimena), Camille Pissarro, Paul cézanne and other artists who created in a short time one of the most significant trends in art – impressionism. However, unlike the above-mentioned painters, Geomen his paintings exhibited incognito.

In 1866, occupied the picturesque passion, he leaves work. So sorry to spend your days in the office when I wanted a Sunny day to paint in the open air, to copy the great in the Louvre, to plunge into the life of artistic Bohemia! Here we would like to tell you about luck, the patrons, the increased popularity of. But don't tell. Arman Hyomin encountered has been very harsh reality. There was no money at all, had to take any job. Most often, he painted the blinds. At that moment the luck was not in favor of Gimeno because, for example, Auguste Renoirpainted curtains and ceramic plates, earning unbelievable money. Gimeno barely enough for the poor food. In 1872, the artist had to get a permanent job in the Paris Office of road construction. A big plus for him was the opportunity to work in the office at night. "By day he is engaged in painting, and in the evening his kanasambana that for courage!"– admired the tenacity of comrade Camille Pissarro.

Hyomin missed only the second exhibition of the Impressionists in 1876, all others are exhibited. And perhaps he was the first impressionist group were interested in neoimpressionists. Legend has it that Hyomin spotted Paul Signacwith his easel on the banks of the Seine, he liked what he saw on the easel, stopped talking... neo-impressionism influenced his palette, smear, although a faithful follower of this trend, Hyomin did not. By the way, in the picture Beregcited the lady with the famous "Sunday afternoon on the island of La Grande Jatte"Sulfur. However, the most faithful follower of neo-impressionism was, except that he Georges Seuratbut the influence of neo-impressionism had on the Impressionists, the fauves, abstractionists, Cubists... Familiarity with Van Goghalso influenced the formation of the talent of Geomena: his palette became lighter and brighter.

At the age of 46 years, the artist married his cousin Marie-Josephine, Charreton. And four years later, something happened the miracle: 100 thousand francs in a city lottery. The first thing Hyomin goodbye to the road Directorate. He finally was able to travel, not limited in his landscapes of Paris and its surroundings, which are happy and engaged. His era was too rich geniuses in the first ranks of Hyomin not moved, but I want to believe that he lived a great life. And, by the way, I enjoyed her longer than any of the participants of the first impressionist exhibition.

Author: Alain Esaulova