Anatolyevich Kostylev (Uralsky)

Russia • Perm • born in 1959 • artist

Biography and information

Born April 16, 1959 in the village of Karakul, Chelyabinsk region.
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
He graduated from the art and graphic department of the Kataysky Pedagogical School in 1979, the Nizhny Tagil State Pedagogical Institute of the KHF in 1989, 1995 - internship at the I. Repin Academy in St. Petersburg.
Associate Professor of Painting, Ural Branch of the Russian State Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Ilya Glazunov. For more than 30 years he has been directly involved in teaching, combining it with active creative.

S.A. Kostylev achieved high results in the field of easel painting, securing the status of a great master working in all genres.
The works of S.A. Kostylev are annually exhibited at major exhibition venues in Russian cities and abroad.
He was awarded the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Gold, Silver and Bronze medals for creative work.
More than 300 works by the artist are in the collections of various museums and galleries in Russia, as well as in the collections of national museums in the cities of Harbin and Shanghai (China), in private European collections in Germany, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, the Consulate of the United States of America, Canada.