Александрович Гончаров

Russia • Yessentuki • born in 1997 • artist
Kirill Goncharov. Was born on November 23, 1997 in Essentuki. Grew up in a single-parent family without a father. He was brought up by his mother. He studied at a secondary school (2004 - 2014), and after that at a technical school (2014 - 2018). All his life he felt the need to express himself through creativity and after many trials and errors came to the visual method. In 2015, he began taking up photography. For several years he took thoughtless pictures, but soon he felt the need for something more. In 2018 I entered the university in the direction of graphic design. There got acquainted with classical and academic art. very quickly came disappointment in academism and hatred for it, so I was fond of studying modern, conceptual art. I discovered such authors as: Jean-Michel Basquiat, Gerhard Richter, Egon Schiele, Jeff Wall, Andres Gursky, Yves Klein, etc. began to feel the need for self-examination through art. In his works he raises the themes of emotions and emotional dialogue with other people, self-identification, sincerity and sexuality. He works in various genres and media.
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