Viktorovich Gilyarov

Russia • Moscow and Moscow Oblast • born in 1973 • artist
Ordering an artwork

Biography and information

Gilyarov Alexey Viktorovich was born on October 16, 1973 in Moscow. He graduated from the Surikov school and entered the Moscow State Art Institute. Surikova V.I. Graduated from the workshop of monumental painting by E. Maksimov in 2002.

Since 1996, performs independent monumental work. Designs and performs monumental paintings both in the interiors and on the facades of organizations, as well as in private rooms. Works in the technique of mural painting, mural and painting on dry plaster (drywall and other modern materials), mosaics, stained glass and sgraffito. He takes part in the development of interior design projects, landscape architecture and landscape design. (You can find many completed projects here

Gilyarov A.V. began to exhibit in 1992. Exhibitions: Central House of Artists (1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, etc.), Moscow Artists' Union (Kuznetsk Bridge, from 1992 to 2004), Slavic Fund (2000), Art Manege (2000), France (2000 and 2002, Paris-Normandy), Belgium (Libre-Art, 2001), Central House of Artists (2006), Canada (Mont St-Hilaire 2012) .Pictures and paintings are in private collections in the USA, Canada, Germany, France , Belgium, Italy, Russia and other countries and city museums: Rzhev, Toropets, Odessa, Paris, London, Moscow, New York, Luxembourg, Yerevan, Brussels, S.P.B. 2012, Greece 2012, Montenegro 2012, England 2013 .. Shrewsberry. Wales. Paris 2013

In 2005. - Prize-winner of the Russian-Italian Academy of Ferroni (Florence) "for his contribution to world art."

Awarded the Gold Medal "National Treasure" by the International Charitable Fund "Patrons of the Century"

2013 Paris. Personal exhibition. I Gallery.