Ivanovich Velichko

Belarus • Horad Minsk • born in 1953 • artist
He was born in January 1953 in Minsk, Belarus.
Since childhood, thanks to his father and his friends, he was engaged in painting at the art studio of the Palace of Pioneers. He participated in children's national exhibitions. In 1979, he graduated with a gold medal from a high school with an artistic bias.
I wanted, like my friends, to enroll in the easel painting department of the Belarusian Institute of Theater and Art, but I was afraid of the entrance exams because I was unstable in drawing.
Therefore, he entered the prestigious Department of Radiophysics of the Faculty of Physics at the Belarusian State University. After graduation from which I worked with red diploma in the field of semiconductors and microelectronics. I have a doctoral degree in physics and mathematics and the title of professor.
I do not regret this period of my life at all, because before perestroika I had a stable income and an interesting job. During perestroika I switched to teaching. My more complete scientific biography is stated on the cover of my book Oleg Velichko "Coupled Diffusion Of Impurity Atoms And Point Defects In Silicon Crystals" (https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/epdf/10.1142/q0212 ).
Both during my university studies and during my free time at work, I practiced painting (oil) for the purpose of harmonious development of the two hemispheres of the brain. Now I am a pensioner and can devote much more time to painting.
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