Portrait of Pasabahce futurist Vasily Kamensky

David Davidovich Burliuk • Painting, 1916, 65.5×97 cm
About the artwork
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Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Landscape, Portrait
Style of art: Futurism
Technique: Oil, Bronze paint
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 1916
Size: 65.5×97 cm
Artwork in collection: State Tretyakov gallery Irina Olikh
Artwork in selections: 8 selections
Exhibitions history

Description of the artwork «Portrait of Pasabahce futurist Vasily Kamensky»

Portrait Of Vasily Kamensky interpreted as a work in the style of futurism with echoes of primitivism and Fauvism. And portrait this, let's just say, not amazing photographic accuracy, and the name clearly tells that you should not be deceived, expecting a matching image of reality. The word "beznebes", not to mention the direct reminder "futurist," preparing for the fact that Comenius we see depicted in an unconventional manner. Apparently, he could follow Matissesaying he "draws are not women and picture"to repeat, that it is not Kamensky, a picture of him painted. The Kamensky in General recognizable (if you know it): curly hair, a familiar oval face. By the way, this not only the portrait of Kamensky, Burliuk's art works. We know that he depicted was pleased with both versions.

A few words about the main hero of the picture. The futurist poet Vasily Kamensky of the creative environment Burliuk was closest to him. Both cheerful, light, non-confrontational. Kamenskiy Burliuk believed to be their teacher. And most Kamensky, who was passionate not only about avant-garde poetry, considered one of the first Russian aviators. There is a legend which I especially love in his native Perm: Kamenskiy allegedly invented the word "airplane". About invented – exaggeration: the word existed before aircraft were invented, so even when Peter was called propelled by steam, carried by the river current. And to refer to the aircraft it was used at least 1850 years. But the credit of popularizing the word "plane" instead of the previously used "balloon" really belongs Kamensky.

The film depicts the passion Burliuk, Marc Chagall. Flying over the Nude poet or the woman, whether the Muse brings to mind many flying women Chagall.

Most researchers agree on the version "Muse", but note that the heroine is extremely bodily, sensual, not incorporeal right Rubenesque beauty. Yes, and the Kamensky is depicted so... very beefy, impressive young man with a naked torso - and it's tempting to say "jeans", but I shall refrain. The Kamensky love to fly (literally, on the same machines, with his light hand called planes) are also surely reflected in this portrait.

Psychotherapists could protect a couple of theses discussing the impact of injury on creativity Burliuk. Eyes he pays close attention. Having myself only one eye, the eyes of the characters of his paintings, the artist turns more than at ease. At Kamensky in this portrait both eyes moved to the right side. One of the interpretations is as follows: as each portrait carries with it elements of self-portrait (which, again, not scientific fact, but a popular theory), and Burliuk was not the left eye, with Kamensky they were close and somewhat similar – not own any heightened vision right side here depicted by the artist?

The number of eyes, he also did not stint – from other four were bad enough, as, for example, "The woman with four eyes and chick". A reference to the fact that "many eyes", it could be indirect, for example, "Bridge. Landscape from four points of view"and "Landscape with a carriage and a mill (a Landscape from four points of view)". The portrait of Kamensky, Burliuk also used the technique of "different perspectives". It is obvious that the right part of the painting from another angle. If the blade is flipped, making the right side of the base, the bottom is a house, a car, and the poet and the Muse flying at an angle to each other – and again remember that "penebar Vasily Kamensky" Aviator, and to see under a roof for it, the usual thing. The author advocated such a reading of paintings, mixed.

"Portrait of Pasabahce futurist Vasily Kamensky" was written for the latest exhibition "Jack of diamonds" in November 1917. From the exhibition the picture came to the store at the Exhibition Bureau of the Department of fine arts of people's Commissariat of education. This organization disbanded in the late 1920-ies, and the Tretyakov gallery filed a petition that the picture gave her. In 1927 "Kamensky" was in the Tretyakov gallery, where he remains to this day.

Author: Alain Esaulova