"Games of the Sunlight" (from the series "Altai Notebook")

Mikhail Yevlakov • Collage, 2022, 110×125 cm

Description of the artwork «"Games of the Sunlight" (from the series "Altai Notebook")»

In the presented works of the "Altai Notebook" series I tried to convey just a glimpse of the seen combinations and interactions between the elements of nature. There are many beautiful places on the planet, unique and unlike one another, and Altai is one of such places.
The block "Games of sunlight" contains applications about Altai, which is sunny and Altai is contrasting. Altai is both bright and dusky pale, dry and rainy, hot and cold. And all these contrasts can be seen directly in one day, on one small mountain lake. The weather in the mountains is variable and quite unpredictable. Sometimes a ray of sunlight slips through the thickness of rain clouds, illuminating the distant peak, and in a few minutes it disappears from view again. Where and when else will we see such amazing, such unimaginable and inexpressible combinations of colors again?
The driving force behind an artist's creativity is surprise. The more and more often we are surprised by what we see, the more interesting our pictures become. The more attentively and consciously we observe the world, the sharper our perception becomes. The stronger our impression, the more it is remembered, and the hotter our desire to share what we see, hear, or feel with others becomes. And in my attempt to share with others my admiration, my wonder, I experience happiness.
So let's continue to live and create, and not forget the most precious and best things! May memories like these become the core of our positive belief that all will be well!