George Cosmiad. Melody of colors

Exhibition February 8 − March 3, 2019
In the exhibition hall of the Kharkov Art Museum is an exhibition of paintings by George Cosmiadi "Melody of colors. The exhibition presents 40 paintings from the collection of the artist's daughter. Among them - sunny landscapes, bright still lifes, paintings on religious themes.

Georgiy Petrovich Cosmiad (1886-1967) - artist, architect, teacher. Born in Nalchik in the North Caucasus. He graduated from the architectural faculty of technical school in Baku. Art education in Moscow - he studied in the studios of famous painters V. Serov and E. Khruslov. During the First World War he was in Volyn. In the city of Rivne, he taught drawing children in five gymnasiums, and later contributed to the opening of a children's art school. In 1939, the artist's family forcedly emigrated to Germany. For 27 years of life in exile Cosmiadi has organized more than 40 art exhibitions. He worked in different techniques - oil painting, tempera, monotypes, watercolors.