William Blake. Painter

Exhibition September 11, 2019 − February 2, 2020
A new look at the visionary, poet and artist offers the Tate Britain gallery in London. Exhibition“William Blake. Painter" will present the most comprehensive since 2001 review of the master's works and open it as a visualist in the 21st century. The exhibition will be about 300 works, including watercolors, paintings and prints, which will give an exhaustive overview of the achievements and ambitions of Blake.

William Blake is a versatile artist, still inspiring painters, musicians, poets and performers around the world. His personal struggle during the period of political terror and oppression, his technical innovations, his vision and political convictions, may never have been more appropriate.

The exhibition will convey Blake's relationship with the world of art of his time and tell the stories behind some of his most iconic images in the history of British art. The curators will also create a unique and extremely atmospheric space in which visitors can approach the artist's works as close as possible - as he himself wanted.
William Blake. Illustrations of the Bible. Elohim created Adam from the dust of the
Illustrations of the Bible. Elohim created Adam from the dust of the
1805, 53×43 cm
Digital copy
William Blake. Newton
1805, 46×60 cm
Digital copy
William Blake. Nebuchadnezzar
1805, 54.3×72.5 cm
Digital copy
William Blake. Oberon, Titania and puck with dancing fairies (Shakespeare, "a Midsummer night's Dream")
Oberon, Titania and puck with dancing fairies (Shakespeare, "a Midsummer night's Dream")
1786, 47.5×67.5 cm
Digital copy
All artworks at the exhibition

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