Ilya Repin

Exhibition March 16 − August 18, 2019
The renovated building of the New Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow will host a large-scale exhibition of works by Ilya Repin (1844 - 1930), during the life of a recognized genius and classic of Russian painting.

The exhibition will feature both textbook well-known paintings by the great artist (“Barge haulers on the Volga”, “We didn’t wait”, “The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan”), as well as little-known works to the general public. The exhibition will be located on three floors in the largest exhibition halls of the museum and will present the audience more than 180 paintings and more than 130 graphic works. Among them will be exhibited works from 26 museums in Russia and abroad, as well as from a number of private collections. In particular, about 80 canvases of the painter will be delivered from St. Petersburg, including the large-format canvas “The ceremonial meeting of the State Council on May 7, 1901 ...”, which only once left the walls of the State Russian Museum.

The exhibition at the Tretyakov Gallery will open a series of events dedicated to the 175th birthday of the artist. After it, projects in Russia, Finland and France start, which will allow the modern viewer to get acquainted in detail with the work of the great Russian painter.

Read more in Arthive: Repin's paintings move for large-scale exhibitions