The Exhibition "Olga Picasso"

Exhibition March 21 − September 3, 2017
Pablo Picasso had many muses, but the show in National Museum of the artist in Paris focuses only on the first woman he said, "I do." The exhibition "Olga Picasso" is an overview of works created from 1917 to 1935, when the master was married to the ballerina Olga Khokhlova. More than 350 paintings, drawings, photos and documents to recreate a chronicle of his work in these years.

Olga is an ideal model in the "classic" period of Picasso. First, the artist depicted her slim, elegant lines, where a noticeable influence of Ingres. She often appears to us in moments of melancholy, reading or writing.

Around the same period, Picasso received his first recognition as an artist. After the birth of his son Paolo (or Fields) February 4, 1921, Olga was inspired by her husband's many papers on the topic of motherhood, radiating softness and innocence. Family scenes and portraits of the boy's display of serene happiness, and the artist is drawn to antiquity and the Renaissance, which opened in Italy and was developed in the summer of 1921 during the stay of the family in Fontainebleau.

To walk on exhibitions, to learn new facts, you can of our material "The Picasso Museum in Paris tells the story of the marriage of the artist with Olga Khokhlova". Welcome!