The space of the myth. Painting of Vasily Nikolayev

Exhibition February 13 − March 3, 2019
The exhibition hall of the Russian Academy of Arts presents an exhibition of works by the honored artist of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Vasily Ivanovich Nikolayev "The space of myth".

The exhibition will consist of several dozen works of abstract painting from different years, quite fully and clearly characterizing the master's work.

They do not have a hard script and allow the viewer to fully experience their own artistic flair and erudition.

Over the past two decades, mythology, music and theater have constituted an unbroken thematic trinity in the work of Vasily Nikolayev.

Like the fragments of long-gone epochs that have come down to us, which form a complex, contradictory interpretation of the past, the gospel scenes, characters of ancient mythology, and ancient buildings are presented in a series of works by the artist.

As a rule, they are made as a recognizable, but blurred image.

For forty years, the artist has spent more than three dozen personal exhibitions in Russia, Kazakhstan and European countries. And in each of them, in the process of creative rethinking and reassessment of the already created Vasily Nikolayev creates his own new myth.