State Russian Museum presents the exhibition
"Autumn of the Russian Middle Ages".
A large-scale exhibition project is devoted to the sacred art of the 17th century. Visitors will be able to see about five hundred works of visual and applied art from the Time of Troubles until the 1700s exclusively from the funds of the Russian Museum, many of them - for the first time or with a new attribution. An extensive collection of books, objects of jewelry, facial sewing, icon painting, monumental painting of the 17th century, which was formed gradually since the foundation of the museum, gives a comprehensive idea of the ways and features of the development of the art of this difficult time.
Then not only art changed - life in the country was changing rapidly. No wonder the century was called the Vague: the invaders took over the power, impostors found themselves on its throne, riots broke out, desolation was replaced by economic growth, traditions and customs were broken.
In this era there is an increase in contradictions, increasing the polarity of artistic phenomena. The exposition makes it possible to see the era of Peter's transformations in a new way, to realize that the foundation and construction of St. Petersburg, as well as the process of secularization of art in the XVIII century, were an organic consequence of the spiritual quest of the XVII century man.
According to the official site
Russian Museum and the site
Photo 1-6. Anna Vetlinskaya and the agency Interpress.
Photo 7. The position in the coffin. Shroud 1592. Solvychegodsk. Workshop of Eupraxia, the wife of Nikita Grigorievich Stroganov. Kamka, gold, silver and silk threads, new lining - blue Krashenina. 137.5 x 185;
Photo 8. Gospel of tetras, in the altar. 1689. Moscow, Printing House. Paper, woodcut, stamp, stamping. Binding: boards, fabric. 70.5 x 48.5 x 10. Salary - the first quarter of the XVIII century. Moscow Kremlin workshops. Gold, silver, forging, chasing, casting, engraving
Photo 9. Luke the Evangelist. The corner of the gospel. The second half of the XVII century. Solvychegodsk. Silver, gilding, painted enamel, enamel. 20.5 x 14.5 x 1.1