In Paris the musée Maillol exhibition, 21 rue La Boétie. It's not just the address once famous galleries in the French capital (Rue Boétie, 21), and not only artists of the calibre of Picasso, Ensor and Toulouse-Lautrec along with their legendary Marchand. Represented a whole epoch in the history of mankind associated with Nazism.
Customers art dealer Paul Rosenberg was Henri Matisse, Georges Braque, Fernand Leger, Marie laurencin — the whole cohort of famous and outstanding. By 1940, in the collection of the Marchand gathered several hundred pieces. World war II ruined his life. Fleeing the Nazis, Rosenberg threw a part of the collection, including the "overwhelming" instances (for example, the sculpture of Auguste Rodin and Aristide Maillol), and tried to take out at least the most valuable paintings by Picasso, Matisse, Braque.
Marchand passed the four hundred of the paintings deposited in the Bank - masterpieces were confiscated. Their new owners were Reichsmarschall Hermann göring, foreign Minister of Germany Joachim von Ribbentrop... luckily, Sam Rosenberg and his family (with a small part of the collection) managed to get into the US and start there new Chapter of life. Over time, the descendants began to collect the world stolen by the Nazis from the gallery of Rosenberg.
The exhibition presents six dozen paintings. Also the audience can see photographs of Marchand, shots the gallery interiors to street Boétie.
Exhibits for the exhibition were provided by museums (including the famous Centre Pompidou, the Grand Palais, the Museum Pikas and more — full list see in the final, impressive video) and private collectors.
A more detailed account of the Marchand presented the work and an overview of the exhibition in a special report Archive.