Van Gogh - Munku: Seduction and Anxiety

Exhibition February 14 − May 5, 2019
The end of the 19th century raised in Europe an increased concern for the future. This concern, combined with a deeper study of human sexuality and the psyche, led to the creation of a psychologically charged and complex art.

Some artists, such as the symbolist Charles-Marie Dulac, turned to Catholicism in their works in order to propose the way forward; others, such as Paul Gauguin, were looking for deeper human truths in distant cultures, seemingly not spoiled by the progress of industrialization.

In thisexhibition traces the development of art, focused on the inner world of the human mind, from the piercing portrait of Vincent van Gogh of his last physician, Paul-Ferdinand Gachet, to the claustrophobic interior of the brothel, Edward Munch.