Competition "Postcard" for the New Year and Christmas

Exhibition November 15 − December 14, 2018
Competition "Postcard" for the New Year and Christmas

Submission of applications until November 15, 2018.

For professional artists, students and graduates of creative universities, design studios and art associations.

For citizens of the Russian Federation.

Contest organizers:
Moscow branch VTOO "Union of Artists of Russia" (Moscow Union of Artists) JSC "Mark"
with the support of the Federal Communications Agency


10 Postcards of the winners of the competition will be included in the congratulatory collection of JSC "Mark" and will be printed in 2000 copies each. The author will receive a royalty.

The 200 best author cards will be included in the expositions of the final exhibitions and sales exhibitions in Moscow, and will be able to participate in the pre-New Year auction.

Participants can make an individual or collective project.

It is necessary to create an interesting, bright, memorable postcard dedicated to the New Year and / or Christmas in various techniques:

_Authorical graphics (drawing, watercolor and more)

_ Low-circulation graphics (lithography, etching, linocut, dry needle, etc.)

_ Collage

_ Computer graphics (graphic design, communicative design, other)

_ Painting

_ Other (volume postcards, ceramics, metal, art objects, other)

Up to 4 applications from one author are accepted.

Electronic applications here:

COMPETITION REGULATION and Terms of Reference here:

# Competition-opening # Exhibition # MOSH # Stamp # Competition of each artists # New Year2019 # Card with the Year