Giorgio de Chirico. Metaphysical enlightenment

Exhibition April 20 − July 23, 2017
One of the most anticipated exhibitions of the year opened its doors to visitors. For the first time in Russia exhibited the work of Italian precursor of surrealism and the founder of the metaphysical painting of Giorgio de Chirico in this scale. More than 100 works of the painter located in the building of the Tretyakov gallery.
Exhibition "Giorgio de Chirico. Metaphysical enlightenment"held in the framework of the open art festival "Chereshnevy Les".
Collected the exhibition consists of paintings, graphic drawings, sculptures and costumes for Diaghilev's "Russian seasons".
This selection of works allows viewers to trace the evolution of the style of Giorgio de Chirico metaphysical painting to the neo-classicism of the 1930s-1940s, and years later neometaphysical.
Giorgio de Chirico invented metaphysical painting in the early 1910s, began to paint the deserted arcades, fragments of columns, contrasting chiaroscuro, with the escalating sense of mystery, with no signs of the plot and often some action.
Unfortunately, the most well-known period of the art of de Chirico in the exhibition presents as time is very modest: I arrived in Moscow only a couple of portraits, two drawings and one of the key paintings of the artist: "melancholy Afternoon" (1913).
Much wider at the exhibition provided by the later experiments of the master: imitation of Rubens and Watteau, self portraits in Baroque outfits, and songs with mannequins, as well as dialogues with ancient mythology and their own earlier work ("the Return of Ulysses", 1968).