I am my own muse

Exhibition April 17 − June 30, 2019
The National Museum of Fine Arts in Santiago presents the international exhibition “I am my own muse. Latin American artists of the interwar period (1919-1939) ". The exhibition includes a selection of paintings by national authors from the museum's collection.

For the first time, Chile presents works by famous artists such as Frida Calo (Mexico), Leonora Carrington (United Kingdom, lived in Mexico) and Tarsila do Amaral (Brazil). The exposition tells about a community of women in three guises: gender (women), class (Latin Americans) and social subjects (non-citizens).

Curator Gloria Cortes notes that “although historiographic omissions marginalized their study and recognition, the current study conducted by a generation of art historians brings a new perspective that allowed women to be represented as subjects of history and expressions”