Toulouse-Lautrec and the stars of Paris

Exhibition April 7 − August 4, 2019
«Toulouse-Lautrec and the stars of Paris»Explores the culture of the celebrities of the time of Lautrec and the artist's fascination with the personal life of the stars, as well as the roles they have played. With expressive lines and copper colors, Lautrec portrayed defining gestures, costumes and expressions of impressive performers, many of whom were his personal friends and Montmartre regulars, the center of Paris nightlife.

The exhibition includes about 200 works and consists of thematic sections covering the formal innovations of Lautrec, such as dramatic lighting effects and color combinations; the changing artistic and social landscapes of Paris, with landscapes of the city day and night; cafes, cabarets and theaters; and celebrities of the time.

The exhibition also includes works of contemporaries of Lautrec: Pierre Bonnard, Mary Cassatt, Edgar Degas, John Singer Sargent, James Jacques Joseph Tissot and others.