Matthew Weisberg. Human factor

Exhibition April 24 − May 19, 2019
Auction house "Ducat" is in the National Art Museum of Ukraine album Kiev artist Matthew Weisberg. This is a demonstration of the master's work from the late 1970s to the present day. The presentation will feature works by the artist from different years, which capture moments from the life of the author and his relatives, memories, allusions, and reflections.

The painting of the author is a kind of philosophical knowledge of reality. The artist refers to the everyday moments of private life, to internal conflicts, to the history of human disasters. The master's works are fragments of time, seen through the prism of their own world view, where the human factor is the main subject of research.

Matvey Weisberg was born in 1958 in Kiev. He graduated from art school named. Shevchenko, Kiev Polygraphic Institute. He created illustrations for the works of Sholom Aleichem, Bagritsky, Kanovich, Ortega-i-Gasset, Jung, Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky.

Since 1989, participates in numerous exhibitions in different countries of the world. Held over 30 solo exhibitions in museums and galleries around the world. The works of Weisberg are kept in the National Museum “Kiev Art Gallery”, the Zaporizhia Regional Art Museum, the State Jewish Museum of the Vilna Gaon (Vilnius), in private collections in Ukraine and abroad.

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