"Code of life"

Exhibition May 16 − June 16, 2017
The Museum does not vzhe vpershe predstavlja - tvorchosti. As work Mishkin mozhna Bulo pobachiti on smanik exhibition Motherland Polyv. W tsogo time zaprosov on a personalno the exhibition.
After dougo Perelli Tetyana Polischuk, more vdoma robots in ianr is applied, present svoï iwopin of work.
From 1982 year Tetyana zakoncila Odeska theatrical hudong school, and push stroke podolskogo svogo zhittya took activo the fate of chislennykh hudong exhibition, as a member of maladina sects splce hudojniku National of Ukraine, and also a member of the National splce maistru Ukraine. Well today won't a member godnic Ob Dani I wage yourself vlink artist.
TSE , the fourth solo exhibition of the painting. In 2010 year hudozhnica represented svoï work in Galerie Mikolaskova regional Institute poslediplomnoe pedagogiczna osti . Sche d of the exhibition took place in CIV: "Recipe for happiness" – in Musa books I drukarstvo Ukraine (2013); "Stvorennya World" – in Mouse Lesi Ukrayinki (2015).
The words Tetani, "Code of life" project TSE, scho prodaju I dopunu poperen of the exhibition. Exposita podlets to three Chastain: Persha – TSE schedule s cycle "Stvorennya world", friend – z cycle "N'yatyy vimr", the third – z-cycle "Recipe for happiness".
Vascular troh Chastain roscrea okremi BC Zhyttia Yak this. In context dano of the exhibition one of codw zhittya – TSE Veselka, ie CIM basic colors. Such codw many I skin roscrea tannic Vsesvit svoimi zasobami. For DOPOMOGA seven notes of music going on, and DOPOMOGA nine five numbers of simple math going on. Lo, operayi code Veselka, Pereda Pudost gledaju all pounamu rosmala Suting zasobom emoting vpliva skin Colora I Yogo chislennykh vdcv".
Abi pdelete vpliv colors, hudozhnica koristus by Priya spasennogo Malunga, yamaguchis dosage blso virusnet I closest obrazu. Sprosen composit robt, obtiene number personal I often otkrit colors slugout rd Samy met – posilenoyu vpliva on padaca.
Tetyana namagala vladati tilki Positivo power within svoï of work, Ladyhawke Tim gledaju on optimsm VRU in the future.
Galleries at the exhibition