Price of hollywood

Exhibition March 30 − June 15, 2019
New York Museum of Modern Art presents an exhibition "The Price of Hollywood".

In addition to the nostalgia that colors what we think about classic Hollywood films, there is also what critic Parker Tyler once called the “monstrous and pernicious” influence on society and culture. And since the relationship between the female and male characters appears in almost all the feature films and promotional materials of the studio system, now, more than ever, you should look at how gender roles and behavior were depicted and depicted in artistic productions.

The exhibition presents a wide range of movie posters from the era of silence until the 1960s, which personify the deployment (and sometimes subversive activity) of the Hollywood marketing machine of male and female stereotypes. The exhibition highlights the ways in which these graphic and photographic images have shaped and continue to shape the public’s understanding of the film’s romance and sexuality.

Based on the materials of the official site New York Museum of Modern Art.

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