Status Representation

Exhibition June 6 − July 1, 2019
In the exhibition halls “Khlebnye” of the National Reserve “Sophia of Kiev” an exhibition “Representational status. Portrait painting of the XVIII-XX centuries from the collection of the Odessa Art Museum”, Which will introduce the people of Kiev and guests of the city with samples of the development of the tradition of portrait painting. The exhibition includes works by famous masters of the Odessa school of painting such as A. Atsmanchuk, M. Bozhiy, A. Voloshinov, G. Krizhevsky, K. Lomykin, etc.

In the first half of the XIX century. Odessa becomes the center of the economic and cultural life of the south of the then Russian Empire. The first local portraitists known to us appear in Odessa - P. Bocherov, R. Hoinatsky, A. Shane, who were at the forefront of professional art education in Odessa. The local drawing school was officially opened in 1865, and in 1899 it received the status of an art school in the system of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. The flowering of the portrait genre in Ukrainian art of the end of the XIX-beginning of the XX centuries is connected with the creativity of the pupils of this educational institution, first of all E. Bukovetsky, T. Dvornikov, M. Kuznetsov