Nikita Vlasov. Lacuna

Exhibition 5 − June 20, 2019
Auction house "Golden Section" in Kiev is a personal project of Ukrainian artist Nikita Vlasov "Lacuna". This is an experimental art project whose visuality exists on the verge of the philosophical foundations of classical Japanese calligraphy, painting "sumi-e" and the methods of automatic writing of surrealists. The project combines three themes - birds, people, and planes made with black Chinese ink on white paper on a large scale.

“Maybe it all happened to me or even to everyone. Without semantic specifics, the imagery of the Lacuna project is able to reveal its depth only under the watchful eye of a free person, ”the author comments on the series of works.

Nikita Vlasov graduated from the Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. He worked in the field of graphic and object design, animation and illustration. Since 2013, he has been writing Chinese ink, having gone from book illustrations to large-scale graphic works of huge formats. In his work, he focuses on thin sections of reality, focusing on the philosophy and technique of drawing with Chinese ink. Participant of numerous exhibitions and projects in Ukraine and abroad.