The exhibition "Journey of Edokko" dedicated to the celebration of the Year of Japan in Ukraine and is one of the most valuable collections of the Museum – works of the Japanese art of the 17th – 19th centuries. Viewers are colored engravings from the famous artists schools Torii and Utagawa Katsukawa, and articles of decorative and applied arts. Most of the works presented in the exhibition, was acquired by the Museum's founder – Bogdan Khanenko.
The exhibition introduces the cultural and social life of the Japanese in the Edo era – from the early 17th century to the mid 19th century. The name era originated from the small town of Edo, which very quickly developed and became a metropolis with a million people. Administrative, economic and cultural center of Edo – modern Tokyo.
Exhibition "Travel, Edokko" tells about the main hero of the era – edokko ("born in Edo"). Cheerful, smart citizen, a lover of risky adventure, a passionate lover, a man of honor and refined manners became the hero of prints.
Literally translated, the term "Ukiyo-e"means "pictures of the floating world", for the Japanese, it had a double meaning. In the Buddhist worldview, he meant the world of earthly life, but for contemporaries of the Edo period became the "the world of entertainment and pleasures". Prints at the exhibition tell about the daily life of the citizen. Edokko, was fond of acting in the Kabuki theatre, found solace with the beautiful geisha, women of the entertainment district Nivara, admiring the beauty of the landscapes, which opened to a sight on the railway stations of the Tokaido.
A series of prints in the exhibition dedicated to the Tokaido highway connecting Edo, the capital of the Shogunate and the Imperial capital in Kyoto. Way to 500 kilometers overcame foot. Over time, the road was a main trade and economic artery of the country. In the 18th century along the road were the city, tea houses, shops... Tokaido dedicated guides, literary works, plays in Kabuki theatre and a series of woodblock prints Ukiyo-e.
Kabuki theater, appeared during the Edo is a special passion of the Japanese. Initially, the government resisted the development of the theatre. The government banned performances of the actors were arrested and evicted from the city, and the theater Director prescribed penalties. Published over a hundred of decrees regulating the life of the actors, but the love of the audience for theatre was growing stronger. The history of Kabuki tells of the street fighting, who were fans of the actors, figuring out with his fists, which of their idols the best actor. The actors, meanwhile, competed with each other in the mastery of the virtuoso technique of the dance and recitation, as well as in richness of costume.
A small part of the exhibition tells about Isiwara – quarter entertainment, founded by the authorities in Edo in 1617. Numerous retinue of soldiers accompanying the princes during their stay at the shogun, a concern of the ruling dynasty, so Ashiwara had to distract the men from thoughts of rebellion and disobedience. Quarter succeeded in his "mission". In the best of times in Ishiwara lived more than 3,000 courtesans, they competed in the skill of dance, singing, musical instruments and exquisite manners. Military competed with the wealthy merchants for the favor of beauties. The owners of public houses have signed a contract with a woman, as a rule, for ten years, and if a man wanted to buy a woman, had to pay a large ransom. Sometimes the love story ended in a suicide, when lovers could not connect. Life in the quarter was full of adventures, passions and unwritten rules of etiquette. At this time born a new "profession" - a geisha, the main purpose of which was to bring the beauty and delight. The craft did not cause prejudice in Japan have no idea about the wickedness of carnal love.
According to the materials of the Khanenko Museum presented at the exhibition.