Dreams of Baikal. Impressions

Exhibition June 20 − July 7, 2019
Irkutsk Regional Art Museum presents an exhibition at the Moscow artist Irina Levasheva “Dreams about Baikal. Impressions". In the exhibition in the estate of V.P. Sukachev - works performed on scrolls in the style of Japanese monochrome painting, inspired by travels in Russia and Japan. Most of the work is devoted to Baikal.

Japanese monochrome suybokug ink painting - painting with ink and water on rice paper or silk. This is the art of strokes and lines, where the strength of the stroke conveys the character of the artist, and the bending of lines - his emotions and mood. This style requires great skill, since corrections in the process of creating a picture are impossible.

Irina Levasheva was fascinated by this unusual technique more than 15 years ago and has since achieved great success. The artist is a member of the All Japan Society of Suybokug Artists, the Sakura Kai Society of Japanese Painting, and is a certified teacher of Suybokug painting at the Ikenobo Center for Japanese Art.

Levasheva Irina Anatolyevna was born in 1965 Moscow. She graduated in 1989 from the Moscow Academic Art School of 1905 with a degree in Restoration and Storage of Painting. She worked as an artist-restorer of carved bone items in the All-Russian Art Scientific and Technical Center named after I.E. Grabar. Since 2010 he has been working in the same specialty in the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art to the present.

Based on the materials of the official site Irkutsk Regional Art Museumand copyright site levasheva.ru.