
Exhibition July 9, 2019
The project of Ganni Anuphrious Visionaliza
glibokogo sleep. Dreams - bezpechna mis_stse for glibinnom rosumіnnya
Individ, want and present can transcend through be-yak
zovnіshnі chinniki. Dreams come to life with the pictures of zorovih pictures
(situational), to which the devil pilgrims povdatisya deyakim smyam
Try to attach to such a method. Prikhovani dumki
they symbolize and often overlap with archaic themes
represent the important links of the specific context. Uyaviti "the robot
sleep, ”a yak peretevryu єnne on the dream dream.

Gallery "Fridge" in this context present, yak skovische
Pam'yattyu materiuu for the ізні атаги Індивіня індивіда,
nashtovkhuyuchu tem on the image of the "cranial box" from її vіshіnnuyu
Muscle dvuhstulkovogo molusk, yak substance of education and supernumerary
mechіnіzmіv іndivіda - your own zapopіzhnik v_d stresіv that
autoagresii, critical vipromіnyuvan. Rіznіst rozmіrіv mushlі - tse
presence spogadіv, kotrі nalzhat іznomu іку odnієї people.
In the dreams of the presence of pidmіna (Persona) one individual for
unique traumatic situations. Scho dopomagaz rozglyanuti tse pіd
One kut і take one item for another. Also present
Instinctiveness (Tіn) - social image of the people.
Інстляція - tse is a product of robot sleep, metamorphosis of vilucheny z prosharku
p_dsv_domogo, kollektivnogo p_dsv_domogo іndivіda, with this
splashes, characteristic spogadami.
A dream can be decoded by a switch overlapping asociation,
that in dreams dreams mask masks (Personas).
Galleries at the exhibition