Maynard Dixon's American West

Exhibition October 15, 2019 − August 3, 2020
The Scottsdale Museum of the West is proud to present the "Maynard Dixon's American West"- the most complete retrospective ever demonstrating Maynard Dixon’s life and creative career.

Dixon (1875-1946) was one of the leading artists of the American West and a true pioneer with an independent look and unique modern aesthetics of the American West. He flourished in the crude beauty and remoteness of the western landscape and its diverse cultures, and its iconic interpretations of this land and time form the basis of the exhibition.

Illustrating the artist’s range beyond the canvas, the museum is honored to also show poetry written by the artist and custom-made furniture decorated by Dixon for Anita Baldwin’s estate in California in 1913.

Important works by famous artists, Dorothea Lange and Edith Hamlin, who were Dixon's wives and companions, are also presented.