Vladimir Kostyrko. Hands and the world of art

Exhibition October 9 − November 11, 2019
Kiev art center "I Gallery" presents an exhibition of Vladimir Kostyrko "Hands and the world of art". The central work on display is a work entitled “Mathis Gothardt Nithardt. Ruky, tak zvanoho, Matthiasa Grunewalda. " For the author, hands are a tool: life, art, and crime, sometimes against oneself.

Vladimir Kostyrko was born in 1967, lives and works in Lviv. He graduated from the Lviv College of Applied and Decorative Arts, Lublin Catholic University. He is engaged in painting in the style of "New old masters." Member of numerous group and personal exhibitions, both in Ukraine and abroad. His paintings are in private domestic and foreign collections. Vladimir Kostyrko is the author of the book The True History of Galicia.